Sircy Chiropractic Clinic

Providing Relief for Nearly Two Decades

Chiropractic Adjustment Services in Moultrie, GA

At Sircy Chiropractic Clinic in Moultrie, GA, we provide an entire spectrum of chiropractic services. From chiropractic adjustments to massage therapy for pain management, we care about you. Don’t waste another day in unnecessary pain; come to see us.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments have been an efficient method of providing pain relief for a range of ailments and injuries. From headache relief to minimizing sciatica pain, Dr. Sircy knows exactly which adjustments will best work for each individual case.

Massage Therapy

In recent years, we’ve added massage therapy services to our list of beneficial treatments. With licensed massage therapists on staff, take your health and comfort into your own hands by deciding to place both into ours.

Ultrasound Therapy

At Sircy Chiropractic Clinic, ultrasound therapy is an important part of our regimen. This method speeds up tissue repairs, which in turn promotes healing, reduces inflammation, and increases collagen to the injured area. Typically, we use this treatment method when it comes to muscle stem therapy and chiropractic adjustments. 


The best way to look deeply into an injury and get to the bottom of the issue is by using an x-ray to look inside. Spinal injuries can happen over time in daily life, with aging, or after an accident of some sort. We’ll fully examine you to determine the best game plan when it comes to treatment.

Our chiropractic adjustment doctors in Moultrie, GA

Schedule an Appointment!

Give us a call at Sircy Chiropractic Clinic to schedule your initial consultation or next appointment for a chiropractic adjustment. We want to get you feeling better as soon as possible, so don’t wait until the pain is unbearable. Get started today! 

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